
208 Movie Reviews

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I used to like the star syndicate

until now.

Last I checked you guys made fun of sucky flashes that got too popular becuase of stupid shit.

well hate to break it to you assholes, but just becuase you got beat in the humor category doesn't meen go fuck up a good series, sure the animation isnt' that hard and the graphics aren't great but its all just in good fun.

Jesus christ you can't even draw a 'toof' as well as he can, which is pretty damn sad.

so first you go rip on the series itself, no big deal who honestly gives a shit to the point where they wouldnt forget about this flash in 2minutes.

but umm, what's with the "if you laughed your 'gay'" it's bullshiters that you who give gays a bad name. and yeah i know your gona say 'well then your gay' but whatever...

I'm not usually the one to review abusively by being like "omg you suck monkehs bawlz" but come on guys, if your going to make fun of TooF, do it right... make it funny, not annoying relying on joking about jokes on this one, i think you bit off a little more than you could chew.

so really, if your gona diss cool shit put effort into it, like maybe do better graphics consideirng thats bullshit compared to what you guys can really do, use your real voices, (dont be afraid we wont drive by your house) ...

come on guys christ I like it when you make fun of stuff if and when it's actually funny and not annoying... and I'm not being a TooF fanboy either I laugh at your stuff when you make fun of things I do like too. but at least do it SUB-par to the animation your making fun of for once?

rexCo responds:

tomagreen1353: jeez every fucking parody on this site is worse than the original
JPrdx535: yep

Come on badger...

Come on Fat Badger... you usually do a good job of dissing on stuff, this time like... it seemed like you weren't even trying, it wasn't really a funny way to make fun of it, hell you didn't even do a good job. Man if your gona rip on somthing funny like TooF you gota do it how you always do, funny, you can't decide to pussy out. Come on wimp ass, Whatever happened to the flash that sent people into insane rampages of PMS and went past all moral bounds?

don't go soft on me badger.

small hump, big door

I thought I was the only one noticing that. lol. thank you, every time i'd watch one of those i'd be like "wtf, A) small hump in a BIG DOOR? B) why do we give a fuck if they didn't wake him up for god sakes thats not funny"

lol this flash kicks ass.

I want a Katrina

lol jk. that's what the girlfreinds for.

funny shit... "need some stunt sperm? FACE CREAM!?" lol.



sunshine that moves with mouse freaking kicks ass.

5/5 BITCH! :D

next time have the post thingy on the front page scroll with alot of posts by tom all with regular text saying funny stuff not the brush tool. I think that'd kick major ass

KapKyle responds:

Whoo! Why thank you. I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the review!

The best collab I've ever seen...

...that managed to bore me at the same time. the animation kicked ass, it had a good idea behind it, but the song was too reppetitive and quiet, and then it was rare to see the music really fit nicely with the animation. I meen, I know this takes alot of work, satanically high amount of work to put this together organise it and stuff. but honestly it bored the fuck out of me threw almost everything. only part i really noticed was the robot from the flash tutorial that was frontpage a little while back.

I'll give this about a 2/5 for entertainment, a 5/5 for quality. so lets even it out to a 3.

Best TooF evar

I wont bitch to you if TooF 6 isn't as good, seeing as I realise that somtimes somthing kickass comes to mind and somtimes it doesn't

This TooF KICKED ASS, if you keep making these, I'm 100% sure Tom is going to make a 'TooF' section in Newgrounds. I bet your going to enjoy that.

This was hilarious, I was in a bad mood cuz of personal shit with the girlfriend... now i'm laughing my ass off, Solid TooF, lol I loved that. If Solid TooF had lost i woulda been pissed "10 bucks on Solid TooF" "20 man..."

haha omg loved that.

Btw the 10 second collab wasn't so great, but your part in it kicked ass, my freind ben who was trying to get into it (dunno if he did) showed me the link of it before it was out, that was awesome.

MACception responds:

lol "Kickass comes to mind"...as if it's...I dunno, something funny. :P I'm going to move on...


Hell no...Solid TooF losing? No way in hell!


Eh, there were good and bad...you had to adjust your tastes, but, I liked most of it :D

Chase McClure @Esach

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