All 10s for the hell of it
Kicked ass... especially liked the ultimate_TH one that one was perfectly flowing
All 10s for the hell of it
Kicked ass... especially liked the ultimate_TH one that one was perfectly flowing
you are my new god...
I'm totally adding you to my favorite artists... the CLOCKS SHALL BURN!
Wow, that's so much better then getting blammed. Clocks will burn, there will be much clock ruin on the portal.
REALLY liked it
gave it a 5 jus for j00... i loved the music, and it defenantly fit the flash. you do have some messed up dreams though. usualy my dreams are like story lines cept about 1/3 threw it it changes into somthing totally different and i somehow know whats going on... its wierd... but yours are different, you dont needa see a dr. you just needa keep puttin these suckers in flash
:D ty
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD .... THAT WAS PURE OWNAGE... i'll give you a 5 for the next 3 days... thats how bad this shit owns... make more or i'll hunt you down
dude... it pissed me off how he didn't fight nobody... next time have him shoot some mutha fucka
Why was rikku not in a bikini?
Why was rikku not in a hott bikini!? WHERE IS MY BIKINI BABES!? wut... come on you shoulda like have him witha sphere of rikku sun bathing and you hear him like "oh yeah... soooo hott...." then you hear orgasmic noises and she'd be like "wut.....?" becuase she's al bhed too :P
lol i have tourretes syndrom too but its not anywhere NEAR that bad... mines just like the occasional eye twitch every week or so... its nto that bad considering i learn shit faster than others for some fucked up reason... lets see... nobody thinks i'm wierd + i learned to type like 100+ wpm + math homeworks done faster than the geek behind me ... works for me!
THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME AS FUCKING HELL MAN... Krinkles ... sto0g3... gota hand it to you guys that was the best shit i have ever seen on newgrounds EVER
Age 33, Male
Joined on 7/20/05